Friday, November 30, 2012


You asked, we answered »  
I would like to know more about extractions and tooth removal.... —

Having to have a tooth removed isn’t something to look forward to.  Hopefully you won’t have to experience this, but if it does happen, it doesn’t have to be a horrible experience.  Szmanda Dental has lots of experience with extractions and we try to make it as simple as possible.  If we feel that it may prove to be too difficult for one of our dentists to tackle, then we simply refer you to a specialist that deals with these sorts of things everyday. 

After your tooth is removed, you may want to replace the empty space with something permanent, like a bridge, partial denture or an implant.  These types of procedures can all be addressed prior to having your tooth removed so you can be aware of your choices and financial considerations.

Monday, November 12, 2012


November, 2012 »  
Two S's of Tooth Decay —

Sipping and snacking are starting to cause a stir in dentistry.  Because more and more people are in front of a computer all day, they tend to sip on a beverage for a longer period of time than someone who is drinking something to satisfy a thirst.  And, there is that pesky office candy bowl in the next cubicle or the homemade goodies someone left in the break room that everyone likes to grab from here and there throughout the day.  Because of these increased behaviors, there seems to be a link between them and tooth decay.

 According to the American Dental Association (ADA), Americans are consuming foods and drinks high in sugar and starches more often and in larger amounts than ever before.  Continually eating sugary foods throughout the day or sipping on sugary drinks have a hazardous effect on teeth.

After eating or drinking, any sugar left on teeth creates a breeding ground for bacteria.  When bacteria feeds on sugar, acid is produced which can then cause tooth enamel to be eaten away paving the way for a cavity.

When you think of sugary drinks, obviously soda comes to mind (refer back to our fabulous article, How Sweet It Is for more info on the effects of soda on teeth).  But don’t forget those lattes and cappuccinos that everyone is drinking these days.  The milk and other contents in those drinks have sugar to activate bacteria.

  • has suggestions to help with fighting bacteria in your mouth if faced with sipping or snacking during the day. 
  • If you feel the need to snack, try nuts or cheese.  These tend to counteract acid production. 
  • Snack on veggies.  They are low in carbohydrates, which means they are low in sugars.
  • If you eat fruit, try to stay away from acidic fruit and lean more towards firm fruits, which have a high water content. 
  • Also, rinse with water after snacking or chew sugarless gum to increase saliva flow, which has natural antibacterial properties.
  • If you can control your snacking, but absolutely can’t make it through the day without sweets, have it with a meal when more saliva is being produced to digest food and neutralize acid.  Research has shown that people who snacked during the day had more cavities than those who ate the same amount of sugary snacks with meals.
  • Same advice goes with sugary drinks.  Do not nurse it, drink it down and then drink water, chew sugarless gum or better yet, brush.  The sooner the sugar comes off your teeth, the less likelihood for cavities.

No one wants to put a damper on your sweet tooth or latte addiction.  We all need some perks throughout our day, but remember that your teeth are the first victims of anything that is poor in nutrition.

Rinse with water, chew sugarless gum, floss, brush, and see your dentist and hygienist regularly to catch problems early or better yet, to prevent them.

Call for an appointment today at Szmanda Dental Center located in Wausau, Edgar and Wittenberg, WI.

Information compiled from the American Dental Association, and Staff at Szmanda Dental Center  © Szmanda Dental Center, S.C. 2012